Nathalie de Regt // Business Director, Research

Nathalie has always been intrigued with how global brands present themselves and are being portrayed differently (or not!) in different markets. It’s what makes her a natural fit to lead the growth of rEvolution’s research business among international sponsor brands and rights holders, helping them recognize the value of complex marketing investments and introducing rEvolution’s proven and trusted measurement models. A British-educated Dutch native born in Rome with five languages already mastered (English, Dutch, Italian, French and Portuguese, for those wondering), Nathalie has most everyone beat when it comes to her impressive resume of consulting and sports marketing experience that has taken her across the globe working with IMG as well as some of the largest global research firms around. If this isn’t enough, Nathalie is a certified yoga and scuba diving instructor and forever loyal fan of the National Dutch team (future’s looking brighter!), AS Roma and FC Fulham.

Nathalie’s Top 5 Favourite Cities She Has Lived/Worked In (Next to London)
  1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  2. Rome, Italy
  3. Utrecht, Holland
  4. Cape Town, South Africa
  5. Koh Lanta, Thailand

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